3 Ekim 2019 Perşembe

Bildiri.40. "HERAKLEIA KARIA ANCIENT PORT CITY with GEOHERITAGE AREAS and URBAN GEOLOGY-LATMOS GEOPARK (BEŞPARMAK MOUNTAINS)", (CISET 2019), 2019 Bildirileri, B, B41, Mersin., B.Uluslararası Bildiriler, Geopark of Latmos, Urban Geology, Geoheritage-Geotourism, Urban Geography, Cultural Heritage Conservation,

2nd Cilicia International Symposium on Engineering and Technology (CISET 2019)

Aziz Cumhur KOCALAR


LATMOS (mountain range), which is a geopark, is located near Lake Bafa Nature Park on the border of Aydın and Muğla. The region has a history dating back to 500 million years and valuable natural, archaeological and geological heritage sites. In this study, the geomorphological structure of the region is examined in general terms, especially in terms of geotourism has quite interesting features. The elevations at the end point of the Büyük Menderes Basin reach up to 1900 m and have an important geostrategically important and wide viewing area. These mountains, which were considered sacred especially in the Carian period in history, have always been in an important position in terms of culture. The presence of traces of rock settlements dating to the Neolithic period in the mountains is also known today. Scattered rock paintings in the region were the most important finds. However, they have survived to the present day by being damaged. These and similar rock churches and monasteries, as well as military castles and walls, leaving many distinctive and interesting cultural traces, these mountainous areas, which are constantly inhabited, are expected to be preserved and renewed. In history, there are other ruins of the Carian State, which spread to a much larger background in the lower Aegean. The port city of Herakleia (now Kapıkırı village) is located on the shores of Lake Bafa. Massive rock formations that have undergone metamorphic changes in the process are in need of investigation in many aspects of volcanic, magnetic and mineralogical aspects. These rocks also have qualities that can be salty due to their relationship with the sea. In summary, this region is composed of mountain ranges and valleys that have an important natural park feature ans, archelogical site features also geopark for (Latmos Mountains); In addition to its interesting natural structure, rock formations and geoheritage areas, it is protected with the awareness of geotourism.  It should not be forgotten that in order to transfer the traces of many different cultural settlements within the rocks to the next generations in a healthy way, the region is obliged to be carefully protected with educational, and etc. tourism as well as a conservation aimmed development plan.

Keywords: Geopark of Latmos, Urban Geology, Geoheritage-Geotourism, Urban Geography, Cultural Heritage Conservation, City and Regional Planning

(CISET 2019), Mersin
(CISET 2019), 2019 Bildirileri, B, B.Uluslararası Bildiriler, B41, Cultural Heritage Conservation, Geoheritage-Geotourism, Geopark of Latmos, Mersin., Urban Geography, Urban Geology,

10/10/2019 – 16:00-17:30

Turgut GÜR Hall

(Engineering Faculty Block B)

Taslak (Eylül)


“Latmos (Beşparmak Dağları) Jeoparkı” olarak önerilen, Aydın ve Muğla il sınırında Bafa Gölü Tabiat Parkı kıyısında yer alan bölge, 500 milyon yıl kadar geriye uzanan jeolojik tarihi ile ilgi çekicidir. Bölgenin dağlık alanları ve vadileri ile çalışmada incelenen jeomorfolojik yapısı özellikle jeo-turizm açısından oldukça farklı özellikler barındırmaktadır. Süreç içinde metamorfik değişimlere uğrayan masif kütleler, mineralojik ve petrografik açıdan incelenmeyi beklemektedir. Büyük Menderes Havzasında yer alan Tekerlek Dağı, 1375 metrelere ulaşan yükseltileriyle geniş bir bakı alanına da hakim olma özelliği taşımaktadır.

Dağların tarihte jeostratejik açıdan önem taşıdığı kale ve surlarının yanısıra ortaya çıkarılan Karia kral yolu ile tarihi yapılardan da anlaşılmaktadır. Tarihte alt Ege’de çok daha geniş bir arka plana yayılan Karia Devletinin Ege Denizi sınırlarında bir uç liman kenti olarak kıyıya ve denize hakim konumda bulunan bir kale kent olarak, Herakleia liman kenti de (Kapıkırı köyü) günümüzde artık gölün kıyısında kalmıştır.

Alanın farklı noktalarında Neolitik döneme tarihlenen kaya yerleşimlerin izlerine de rastlanılmış ve bölgede dağınık bir şekilde yer alan resimler en önemli buluntular olmuştur. Ancak bunlar günümüze kadar dış etkilerden ve vandalizmden ötürü hasar görerek ulaşabilmiştir.

Kaya kilise ve manastırlarının yanısıra askeri ve ticari yapılarıyla pek çok belirgin ve ilginç kültürel izler bırakarak sürekli yerleşimlere sahne olan bu dağlık jeolojik-arkeolojik alanlar, günümüzde de özenle korunup yenilenerek turizme kazandırılmalıdır.  Ayrıca Tabiat Parkı da, statüsüyle ve alan yönetimiyle birlikte doğal eşikleri korunarak kullanılmaya uygundur.

Kayalar içinde pek çok farklı kültürel yerleşmenin izlerinin gelecek kuşaklara sağlıklı bir şekilde aktarılabilmesi açısından bölgenin, doğa tarihi eğitimleri amaçlı ve alternatif turizm işlevleri üzerinden değerlendirilmesine ayrıcalıklı bir şekilde öncelik sağlanmalıdır. Bölge; doğal yapısı, kaya oluşumları ve jeomiras alanlarına sahip olması nedeniyle mutlaka jeo-turizm bilinci çerçevesinde de korunmalıdır.

Antik kentin ve dağınık durumda bulunan kaya resimlerinin bulunduğu dağlık alanın eteklerinin koruma amaçlı imar planı ile birlikte özenle korunma zorunluluğu olduğu unutulmamalıdır. Gölün de kirlenmesinin önüne geçilebilmesi büyük bir önem taşımaktadır. Geniş ölçekte ise Büyük Menderes Havza Planının tamamlanarak, koruma amaçlı imar planı ile birlikte bir bütünlük sağlaması önem arz etmektedir.


Recommended as “Latmos Geopark”, the region on the shores of Bafa Lake Nature Park on the border of Aydın and Muğla is interesting with its geological history dating back 500 million years. The geomorphological structure of the region, which has been studied in the mountainous areas and valleys, has quite different features especially in terms of geo-tourism. Massive masses undergoing metamorphic changes in the process are expected to be investigated from a mineralogical and petrographical point of view. Located in the Büyük Menderes Basin, Latmos Mountain (wheel shaped at the top of it) is dominated by a wide range of elevations with elevations reaching 1375 meters.

It is understood from the historical structures of the Karia king, which is unearthed as well as the fortress and city walls where the mountains are geostrategically important in history. The fortress city of Herakleia (Kapıkırı village), which is the dominant city and the coast and sea as an end port city on the borders of the Aegean Sea, has been on the shore of the lake today. This region, which is located on the Aegean Sea borders of Caria State, which has been spread to a wide background in the lower Aegean, is an end port city. In the ancient period, the port city of Herakleia (Kapıkırı village) is a fortress-type city which is dominated by the shore and the sea. Today, the city is on the shore of the lake.

In addition, traces of rock settlements dating to the Neolithic period were also found at different points of the area and the pictures scattered in the region were the most important findings. However, they have been damaged by external influences and vandalism.

These mountainous geological-archaeological sites, which have witnessed permanent settlements with their rock churches and monasteries as well as their military and commercial structures and with many distinct and interesting cultural traces, should be carefully preserved and renewed in tourism. In addition, the Natural Park is suitable for use with its status and area management, while preserving its natural thresholds.

In order to be able to convey the traces of many different cultural settlements within the rocks to the next generations in a healthy way, the priority should be given to the evaluation of the region for purposes of natural history education and through alternative tourism functions. Area; Because of its natural structure, rock formations and geo-heritage areas, it must be protected within the framework of geo-tourism awareness.

It should not be forgotten that the skirts of the mountainous area where the ancient city and the scattered rock paintings are located, must be carefully protected together with the conservation aimed development plan. It is of great importance that the lake is prevented from pollution. On the large scale it is necessary to complete the Büyük Menderes Basin Plan, and that it provides a unity with the conservation aimed development plan. Lastly, a holistic protection consciousness should be create in the area.

Keywords: Geo-park/Geo-heritage/Geo-tourism/Geo-site, Urban Geology, Conservation of Cultural Heritage, Urban Geography, City and Regional Planning.


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